List Scheduled SMS
From API Docs
SMS Function: getScheduledSMS
With this command, you are able to view sms to send scheduled list
Input params
- version::String - API version (e.g. '1.0')
- timestamp::String - Sequence of characters, denoting the date and time (e.g '1336553826')
- username::String - User e-mail address (e.g '')
- authcode::String - md5 hash consisting of the concatenation of timestamp and user_key (e.g md5(1336553826BX3KwWU2SuqvoEWnjYmOibf'))
- section::String - API module name. Use 'sms' value
- action::String - API module function. Use 'getScheduledSMS' value
Example URL with POST values POST:
Output params
Example in XML (Success)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <return> <result>1</result> <resulttxt>success</resulttxt> <scheduled> <sms1> <sms_id>133655674531563000004070</sms_id> <sender></sender> <reciptient>48511131563</reciptient> <date>2012-05-09 11:28:00</date> <credit>1</credit> </sms1> </scheduled> <timestamp>1336558351</timestamp> </return>
Example in XML (Error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <return> <result>0</result> <resulttxt>error: {error description}</resulttxt> <timestamp>1335767184</timestamp> </return>
Example in JSON (Success)
{"result":"1", "resulttxt":"success", "params":{ "scheduled":{ "sms1":{ "sms_id":"133655674531563000004070", "sender":"", "reciptient":"48511131563", "date":"2012-05-09 11:28:00", "credit":"1"}} "timestamp":1335777400}
Example in JSON (Error)
{"result":"0", "resulttxt":"Error: {error description}", "timestamp":1335777400}
Example using our PHP Class
/* API LOGIN DETAILS */ $email = ''; // your username $apikey = '1234567890'; // your apikey /* API COMMAND DETAILS */ $apitype = 'sms'; $command = 'getScheduledSMS'; $params = array(); /* PROCESS THE ACTION */ $boxisAPI = new BoxisAPIConnection($email, $apikey); $return = $boxisAPI->call($apitype, $command, $params);