PHP Integration Sample
From API Docs
PHP Integration Sample API is simple to implement using any programming language available that can communicate remotely to our system. We have created simple communication class for the PHP. Yet, you can create your own based on the one we have provided.
Example 1 - Domains API
This is simple example how to use our API with the class.boxisAPI.php
/* API LOGIN DETAILS */ $email = ''; // your username $apikey = '1234567890'; // your apikey /* API COMMAND DETAILS */ $apitype = 'domains'; $command = 'register'; $params = array( 'returntype' => 'xml', // xml or json 'domain' => '', 'years' => 2, 'ns' => array('', ''), 'protect-privacy' => 1 ); /* PROCESS THE ACTION */ $boxisAPI = new BoxisAPIConnection($email, $apikey); $return = $boxisAPI->call($apitype, $command, $params); /* RETURNED VALUE */ print_r($return);
Which will output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <return> <result>1</result> <resulttxt>success</resulttxt> <params/> <timestamp>1337942776</timestamp> </return>
Example 2 - SMS API
This is simple example how to use our API with the class.boxisAPI.php Which will output:
/* API LOGIN DETAILS */ /* API LOGIN DETAILS */ $email = ''; // your username $apikey = '1234567890'; // your apikey /* API COMMAND DETAILS */ $apitype = 'sms'; $command = 'sendSMS'; $params = array( 'returntype' => 'json', // json or xml 'sender_name' => '', 'recipients' => array('48599131568'), 'content' => 'test1', ); /* PROCESS THE ACTION */ $boxisAPI = new BoxisAPIConnection($email, $apikey); $return = $boxisAPI->call($apitype, $command, $params); /* RETURNED VALUE */ print_r($return);
Which will output:
{"result":"1", "resulttxt":"success", "params":{ "sms_id":"133655724631563000002130"} "timestamp":1335777400}